Go.Data - DHIS2 Interoperability App

The Go.Data-DHIS2 Interoperability App enables metadata to be securely exchanged between DHIS2, a widely used system for national health information management developed by the University of Oslo, and Go.Data, an outbreak response tool developed by WHO. The app facilitates exchange of reference metadata from DHIS2 to Go.Data, including location hierarchies, and case/contact data (cases being registered and investigated; and their contacts who are being listed and traced).

Such an integration enables field teams to make use of the available visualizations for chains of transmission and contact tracing follow up in Go.Data, while only keeping track of the cases using the DHIS2 software to these teams are used to.

If you are an end user and the Go.Data - DHIS2 Interoperability App has been set up for you, you may consult the Quick User Guide available in this documentation page.

Last updated